60 street vendors take oath to keep Mussoorie clean and green

Ajay Ramola
GG News Bureau
Mussoorie, 24 Feb
60 street vendors on Mall Road were administered oath by the health officials from Municipal authority to keep the tourist town of Mussoorie clean and green under Swacch Bharat Mission event held on Wednesday.
The event was held under the aegis of Municipal Board Mussoorie, Hilldari and KEEN. The street vendors were adinsterd oath by the Municipal board health official Kiran Rana and Project head of Hilldari, Arvind Kumar Shukla.
The oath was read out by the street vendors who pledged to maintain cleanliness in the town and resolved to conduct a voluntary cleanliness drive for 2 hours in a week. The street vendors also resolved to start the cleanliness drive form their home and keep the school and the streets of the Mall road and town clean. Arvind Shukla said that this step will help in success of cleanliness drive under Swachh Bharat mission.

Anil and Vicky were present from KEEN along Abhilash Saini, Piyush Manoj, Sita, , Gita, Aman Rawat, Bharat, Mona, Ankur Saini were present on the occasion.

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