Farmers Blocked Roads, Stopped trains, Call for Bharat Band Against the Agricultural Laws

GG News Bureau

New Delhi, 26th March

Farmers who have been protesting against the three agricultural laws for the last four months have called for a nationwide Bharat Band on Friday, March 26. The Bharat Band will run from 6 am to 6 pm. Farmer leaders have said that no one will be forced to join the Bharat Band.

On Friday, protesters blocked rail tracks at 32 places in Punjab and Haryana, disrupting rail traffic as part of a ‘Bharat band’ call by farmers’ unions protesting against three agricultural laws for the past four months. A railway spokesperson said that four Shatabdi trains have been canceled due to the protests and 31 other trains have been halted. The 32 places where the movement of trains have been disrupted fall under the Delhi, Ambala and Ferozepur railway blocks.

A decision has been taken to close several metro stations in Delhi due to the Bharat Bandh of farmer protesters. The metro stations which have been closed include Tikari Border, Pandit Shriram Sharma, Bahadurgarh City and Brigadier Hoshiar Singh Metro Station.

People coming from Himachal were stopped at the border itself, although heavy police forces have been deployed. People from various farmer organizations have joined the strike and people coming from Himachal are facing problems.

Congress MP Rahul Gandhi has supported the Bharat Band called by the farmers. Rahul Gandhi tweeted that the history of India is a witness that Satyagraha itself ends atrocities, injustice and arrogance. He further wrote that the movement should be peaceful in the interest of the country.

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